It helps if you read the tags first. I thought it was funny as hell, but what do I know. Obviously the teenagers around here should go to their local VideoMart and rent Glengarry Glen Ross, maybe then they’ll get the F#@%ing joke.
Wow-I’m slightly astonished that someone who leaves such subliterate messages is able to view a “mature” ficlet. Whatever. CMTKOM is right-rent Glengarry Glen Ross (if you’re allowed to) to get the joke.
Sorry, format issues. Let’s do that again… Wow: I’m slightly astonished that someone who leaves such subliterate messages is able to view a “matureâ? ficlet. Whatever. CMTKOM is right: rent Glengarry Glen Ross (if you’re allowed to) to get the joke.
Ben Paddon
Howie Amourscow
Blondie Babe
Blondie Babe
Blondie Babe
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Howie Amourscow
Howie Amourscow