
Breakfast nirvana. Breakfast challenge by Nouvelle Bardot

She walks across the room with a cafeteria tray of food, she’s unsure of her path, she doesn’t come here often but she’s sure of her destination. She sits down across from someone, a man, someone she knows very well. He looks up from his computer, his reaction is one of happiness followed all to quickly by a sadness deeper then most can see.

“What are you doing here? And what’s with the food, you don’t eat that crap” He looks down, trying to quell tears before they flow.

“I came to talk to you” She looks at her food, a mix of fruit and cafeteria waffles, one look and she pushes the plate away.

“Talk? What’s to talk about.” He focuses intently on the computers blank desktop.

“I just wanted to say… well… I… Just, how are you? and not how are you, but how are you, like really…” She looks at him, and not just at him, but in him. He looks up at her, tears flow down his face.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to ask that” He looks down, crying, muttering.
“I can’t do this anymore.”

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