
Reverent Mink

Reverent Mink is 19 years old, he’s going to school because thats what he thinks he should do… At least he thinks he thinks he should. He’s confused about allot of things. Most of the time he’s not sure who he really is or who he really wants to be. But every once in a while, once every few weeks at most he remembers who he is and who he want’s to be. He’s sad because this isn’t what he thought it was supposed to be, it’s not the way it was supposed to happen. He’s tiered because he has to think it all over again, he thinks life’s to short to always be thinking. He want’s things to be the way they were. The way it all made sense. Sometimes things seem to be heading back the way they came, this is good until it tumbles forward again then sadness comes back and he’s lost, he doesn’t want to be lost anymore.

Stories (3)