

“Ok, where do you want to start?” I asked after we pulled away.
“How do you do that 360 thing?” Mel asked.
“Well, the easy way to do it is spread your arms out,” I spread my arms. “Wind your arms back and jump and throw your body weight around at the same time.”
Mel tried it, and after a few tries, (and one time of me catching her before the fell) she nailed it.
Progress went smoothly from then on. She learned how to do a tail and nose grab, a boneless, and how too stop in 5 different ways.
It was soon getting dark, I unzipped my jacket to reveal another slim fitting black t-shirt with the white, three leaf, Adidas symbol.
“What are you unzipping your jacket for?” Mel asked.
“My jacket gets too hot.” I answered. “Need too air it out.”
“That doesn’t look like it’s too hot.”
“Really? Feel, you’ll see.”
She put an un-gloved hand on the left side of my rib cage, right on the crack in that one rib from the car crash.
She realized what she did, but kept her hand there.
“Yeah, it is pretty warm.” She whispered.

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