This brings up social issues I am curious about.. When / if humans can love robots, how will it be viewed in society? Will they have free will? Will you be viewed as a pervert for owning one? They could be viewed as a whole new race of people. This is probably a “secret project” somewhere in the back of Steve Jobs’s brain, eh? Very well done – you are really onto something with this..
What kind of name is Herman It’s about time this question was asked. . As far as Yoda’s comments, I think the fact that you own a programmable robot might mean that the love is not real.
there are all different kinds of love. Loving your computer and loving a person should be in entirely different categories—but combined, as in a robot, the love exists in the human, and it is real, just one sided and self serving.
I just thought it was a neat allegory for any status quo violating relationship over the ages, even down to how the date is one thing, but the next step is just a whole nother level of wrong to the person outside the relationship. LoA
“of mammal descent.” That was funny. Don’t know why it was funnier than the rest of the ficlet, but it was. And Herman. Pshh….Herman. (Just thought I’d add in my own stupid comment among all the others debating on true love and whatnot.) LoA
Alexa ♥
Tad Winslow
THX 0477