
Basement Blues{ Uselessness's Monologue Challenge}

I can hear him upstairs walking around on the tiled floor.

The basement door is locked of course, no matter how much I push, it won’t budge. My mother warned me not to marry Barry, but did I listen, no of course I didn’t.
Fool that I am.

Just because I threatened to call the cops on him and his buddies. I’m sick of being his Mob Moll.

Get a real job, I yelled at Barry. Then he hit me and threw me down the basement stairs.

It’s so dark and smells of mildew.

O My God what was that! Please don’t let it be a rat!

I hate rats

‘Let me out’, I want to scream but I think my jaw is broken.

If I crawl over to the window maybe I can throw something at it to break it.

O, what’s that? A small can of paint? If I can just… yes .. o man girls softball pays off at last. Mom would be so proud.

How long has it been? I’m getting depressed. I hate when Barry is planning a robbery.

O No here he comes again. I’ll pretend I passed out.

It’s not working, he’s still, what’s that, No not a gun please not a gun.

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