
Why do I cry over You?

Why must I hurt so much? why must I express myself in d’fferent wayz when people get on my last nerve? HUH ? why must I have to seek your attention so I can feel whole? WHY ?why do you bother me with ur emotions? Yet I have to seek ur attention when I need it…. why am I friends with you? Why do I call you my friend not juss an associate, why, its because I care for you, not in a romantic type of way but just cause I’m your friend, I don’t want to be known as your friend cause you can call anyone a friend… I want to be known in your heart that I’m a friend… Care for me as I care for you… I know you try and I try to, trust me I do but we need to try harder, cause a brotha is tired…

I wrote this like 3-4years ago, but as I look back, I see what I went thru, and how I have better’d myself

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