Fr: Ells
To: Tate
Do I have anything in my teeth?
Nov. 19 1:18pm
Fr: Tate
To: Ells
No… but I guess ur saving that sesame seed on ur lip 4 l8er.
Nov. 19 1:20pm
Fr: Ells
To: Tate
Nov. 19 1:21pm
Fr: Tate
To: Ells
haha jk. that lil seizure u pulled was SO worth it. r u getting nething Rog is talking bout?
Nov. 19 1:24pm
Fr: Ells
To: Tate
I hate you, Tatum Beatrice Troy!!! And Mr. Rogers is on crack. Who can understand him?
Nov. 19 1:26pm
Fr: Ibby
To: Ells
That’s a very strong accusation ur making against the Rog man. Do you have any evidence to substantiate it?
Nov. 19 1:31pm
Fr: Ells
To: Ibby
WHAT ?!!
Nov. 19 1:33pm
Fr: Ibby
To: Ells
Sry… I was reading over Tate’s shoulder and I was appalled by ur crack remark.
Nov. 19 1:35pm
Fr: Ells
To: Ibby
Appalled? This from the guy who types out substantiate but is to lazy to write Y-O-U-R.
Nov. 19 1:38pm