
Fame: Backstage Pass

What do I say?
“Kai!” Lisa Kim, Kai’s publicist coos. “Hello, my little star,” she says kissing Kai on each cheek. “You were amazing! Wasn’t she just amazing?” She asks this hypothetically but Andrew agrees emphatically anyway. “We have some people who are very excited to meet you.” She begins to steer Kai away. Andrew follows them.
Kai looks back apologetically. “We’ll catch up later and you can tell me what you think,” she calls. I try to smile encouragingly, but I have to admit I am jealous.
Jealous because I was the one who’d found the star search ad in the back of a magazine a year ago at the hair salon and had signed both of us up against her will. I was the one who’d practiced for it every day while Kai sang the first song that came to mind. Now she’s the one flying first-class and meeting with execs. Her name’s in lights, while I watch from backstage. I was supposed to be somebody. I’m still a nobody.
“Excuse me, miss. Are you a friend of Kai? I’m looking for an inside scoop.” It’s a reporter.

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