The Mind Of The Enemy
General Y’glgxxyxkr
“Earth feline parasite! Useless creature! By firing live Earth-type parasite into enemy lines, Kroll force puny Earth-humans to spend vital food resources on Earth-type felines! Therefore Kroll win!”
“So, you’re say—”
General Y’glgxxyxkr
“Frankly, Kroll not spend much time on strategy. Not research puny Earth planet. Invasion spur-of-moment thing. Kroll Armada actually on way to Denebian take-out for Crown Prince Ykks’ks’kor. Decide pull over, little invasion on way.”
“You’re saying that the psychological warfare asp—”
General Y’glgxxyxkr
“Kroll really not think through kitten mortars. Seem good idea at time.”