
Wannabe Rap

Being a nerd is my game
All you jocks are really lame

Think you’re good
I’m only better
At school I only get one letter

So I can’t win a 100 meter dash
I can finish a paper in a flash

My favorite composer is Mozart
I dig him ya know what I’m talkin about?

He’s got a white wig and wears a cape
Better than your music-its all about rape!

I have a clip on tie
it was a really nice buy

My favorite movies are sci-fi
But I always cry when they die

I get real nervous around girls
I like the ones with all them curls

I try to catch up with the latest style
I go shopping right down the aisle

I try to be ganster
But I got beat up and they called me a fangster

I won the junior world championships at chess
For days I only felt stress

I tried to prove Pluto is a planet
I passed out a real thick booklet

I have a lot of online friends
I also have some intergalactic pens

This is the end of my wannabe rap
So i guess its time to take off my Yankee cap


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