
So Good-Bye

I’m soo glad your over it.

It’s not like I lied about everything too!

I lied to protect myself from the pervs and creeps out there!

How was I supposed to know you were really a sweet inoscent boy?!?

Are you saying you never lied to me?

That I doubt.

It’s one to say what I am

But how did you even find out?

I don’t lie to people for fun!

That’s just a joke!

I had to level my playing field.

And the fact is if I were truthful about everything you would have hated me and wouldn’t have even given me a chance

You know what I’m sorry and that’s pretty much all I can say.

How did I know our relationship would have escalated to am level I can’t describe??

Maybe you should work on not spilling your guts to some random girl online, that would work.

Maybe you should be more careful.

How did you know I wasn’t a creep?

I will miss our convo’s

And our messaging also.

I guess this is good-bye man.


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