
Surprise, Surprise

Brandy dragged me out of my seat by my wrist with a vice-like grip. Everything seemed hazed for a moment, even though the restaurant was smoke-free. It must have been from how Brandy uprooted me from my comfortable seat with such speed and force.
I looked up in front of me, my head still spinning a bit, and saw a familiar figure. It was a female, copper colored hair, about as tall as I was…..
Things started coming into focus again, and I could see more details.
Almost, Almost…There!
Everything had come back into focus really fast.
My eyes fell on the person in front of me, it all came to me.
Patched clothes,copper hair, about as tall as me….ASHLEY!
I turned to Brandy.
She is your cousin?” I asked stupidly.
“Yeah, tom!” Brandy said, exasperated. “I told you! She is my cousin, she has a new boyfriend after she broke up with-”
“Me.” I finished.
“Yeah, he’s right,” Ashley said. “I broke up with him.”
“For no reason.” I retorted.
“Yeah, there was a reason, Tom.”

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