Done yet Confused
Let me Go! Let me breathe, its time for me to let you go and move on.
Have I really made my choice? Can you hear it in my voice, how I dont want to be your Mrs Scott. How I want this to be our last time?
Why do people put me on the back burner. I mean put me last, on their agenda? Do I matter to you? Or am I just taking up your time and space. See, its hurtful, very hurtful, that people do that too me, You know what. I so tired of shit like that. Am I tired of being weak over it. And then I ask myself, why do I let you in? I let you and you in, and I shouldnt. I need to back the fuck off, and I want everyone to leave me the hell alone until I find my foundation thats keeps me grounded.
I want him to let go of the me of 6yrs ago. I want to let go and I will let go. Because you are not ….
I’m not making sense.
I never make sense when it comes to you.
I’ve made my decision.
I’m done.