
Sweet Seventeen

When did this life become my hell
Picture perfect smiles that scream and yell
Never striking with fists but daggers of words
Cut at your heart like double-edged swords
Starting when your little, when you’d get scared and cry
Lasting when your older, when you keep secrets and lie
Hiding yourself behind stories and books
Practice fake smiles and innocent looks
Promise yourself you won’t make their mistake
Time passes by as you watch your heart break
Crushed dreams pile high within your sad soul
You drown in despair without self-control
Anger boils deep beneath your thick skin
Every bad word you try to bury within
Storms forth with one shout of exceptional fury
It makes you ugly, destroys your real beauty
You learn true love is a lie written in childhood stories
Starring pretty faced girls with lives free from worries
Pray for a future with happily ever after
Instead of dark nightmares filled with disaster
Counting down the days till your next Happy Birthday
Hope then you’ll find peace and the right words to say

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