
The Collectors

Casius crept through the rough hewn rock archway into the underground chamber. The readings had already begun. He hated to miss them, and he also hated being on time. The old man got under his skin and he wanted desperately to kill him but knew it was against the rules to add the Reader to the Collection.

Casius leaned against the cold wet wall of the Chamber and listened, “Specimen number two thousand seven hundred, ah, seventy, what’s it,” the cataract covered eyes glared toward Casius before continuing, “oh yes, three.” Casius rolled his eyes and sighed, kicking a clump off mud from his boots.

The Reader paused again, and looked to Casius, “Join us, Brother,” waving a kingly hand toward a folding chair at the front of the chamber. At least an hundred were gathered in the monstrous underground cavern.

The Specimen had been placed in a sealed glass coffin on an altar of sorts in front of the podium. Casius took the time to note it was a man of political importance. Yet again, bumped from position.

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