
The Collectors 2

Liam had watched the young Casius enter the cavern in his creeping way from the corner of his eye. The youngster thought the Eldest Reader missed much because of the cataracts, but not much got past the Reader. He was far more cunning than he was given credit these days.

New Brotherhood members had no clue who The Fox was, they spoke of during their Gatherings; which were becoming fewer, to his dismay.

This newest Specimen, to be added to the Collection tonight, was of particular interest to Liam. Liam had Collected the Grandfather and Father of this politician. No trace of either had been found. Liam was master of the craft.

Liam smiled proudly to the Honourable Hawley, who had Collected this Specimen, before going on with the story; Casius finally seated, and order restored.

Reader Liam stroked his long white hair from his brow with a gnarled finger and began, “In all my seventy years with the Collectors, This is the first time three generations of political family have been Collected.”

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