Van Mantra, the Spy
“Earth has been chosen as a base in a war of universal proportions. Soon, it will become a battle field and-”
“Look at this Van, we must be miles from the shore, look at the smoke! You dont call this a battle field?!”
“You have no idea Stephen, they are just preparing us, this planet, for war. By now, they most likely know we stand no chance against them”
For the past 2 days, Van Mantra and the crew of the yacht whatched as giant metal globes defied gravity as they rose above the water and into the destroyed city. The massive pods were greeted by the smaller walking shperes, which franticaly tore them apart to get at the materials inside.
“And those? What are they doing?”
“Weapons. They are setting up weapons here. They are going to attract alot of attention here soon, especially when they start fireing.”
“Van, how do you know all this?”
“Stephan, there are 2 sides, as in every war. This side, has found Earth and is turning it into a weapon, the other has its spies.”