Upside Down or Inside Out Doesn't Get It!
I have enjoyed reading about all the quirks that you guys have. I must admit that I possess some of those that are already listed BUT I also have one that isn’t. It pertains to food. My burgers, sandwiches, etc. must be layered a certain way. For instance, if I am making a burger all the way – the mustard, pickles and onions have to be on the bottom bun – the meat in the middle and the ketchup, tomato and cheese on top. If I buy a burger already made, it doesn’t seem to matter. If I am eating peanut butter crackers, the salty sides must face outward ——and I can NEVER eat an Oreo if the cookie is stuck on with the smooth side out! (Of course, I usually take those apart anyway.) And if I am eating those little pecan pinwheels, well, I can’t just bite ‘em, I have to unroll ‘em. They are sooo much tastier that way. If my food is not put together in the “proper” order, it just doesn’t taste as good! Hey, that might be a good diet incentive.