

April 29th will mark one year for me on Ficlets.

I have sworn to uphold the values of the League of Awesomess. I shall hereby be known as Pens: Wearer of the Green Hat of Awesomeness. :]

So I love winter, but summer’s my season. Aimless driving, summer music, open windows, sunglasses, and thunderstorms seem to renew me. Late nights and lots of inspiration. Yeah, summer’s my season.

I’m looking forward to the prospect of beginning college in the fall, which is a little scary and a lot exciting.

And all at once, the crowd begins to sing.
Sometimes the hardest thing
and the right thing
are the same.

all at once : the fray


The Castle in the Air, written with kwatz and pen.up.girl and still in the works, begins here:

Hey Jude and Dear Prudence, written with Promises Broken & Backs Turned and also still in the works, begins here:

Stories (324)