
Xela 1:1-12

(1) In the beginning… there was nothing on the barren Earth. Everything was cold and desolate.

(2) A gigantic life-bearing meteor impacted the puny rock of a planet.

(3) At its core was a pod from the deepest reaches of space. Inside was Xela. (4) Xela was an imortal super hero, of course.

(5) Many millenia later, an evil overlord threatened the existance of everything. Something had to be done. Earth had to be saved. (6) Xela and the evil overlord enter into an epic battle for everything.

(7) Xela wins.

(8)Earth is saved.

(9) “This is still crap,” my editor says, eyebrow raised in such a way that told me he was not amused. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice if you just spelled your name backwards? This is the same good/evil plotline I’ve rejected a hundred thousand times. I want originality, Alex!”

(10) Back to the drawing board.

(11) File _ New.

(12) In the beginning… there was nothing.

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