

The crowd gathered around as the great green one gasped his last.

Wearing a tall chef’s hat, a Norwegian sounding voice said,
“borji borji borj.”

A tiny rat standing close by said, “I couldn’t agree more, couldn’t agree more.”

“What’s all the fuss?”, came the grumpy voice of some filthy greenish thing in a garbage can, “That was the best part of the show.”

The crowd threw rotten fruit and leftover Hors d oeuvres at the grouchy green thing, which seemed to please it oddly enough.

A brown floppy eared doctor entered with a blonde toothy nurse in tow, “Step aside, Dr Bob has arrived,” he barked. “What seems to be the problem here?”

“Seems the Frog has croaked,” the leggy nurse quipped.

The crowd groaned, as the bowtie wearing gun totting comedian yelled, “Hiya hiya, that’s my joke , Wocka Wocka.”

A large stern looking patriotic beaked officer escorted the unfunny comic out the door, which caused those assembled to break into applause, which pleased the furry shooter no end.

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