For your reference, flute faerie, saying “That’s keen” is like saying, “That’s great” or “That’s awesome.” Keen just means good, at least the version I know. I credit my knowledge of this to all those I Love Lucy reruns I watch. ;]]
> finely sharpened, as an edge; so shaped as to cut or pierce substances readily > sharp, piercing, or biting >characterized by strength and distinctness of perception; extremely sensitive or responsive: >having or showing great mental penetration or acumen: >animated by or showing strong feeling or desire > intense, as feeling or desire >eager; interested; enthusiastic >Slang. great; wonderful; marvelous. Complements of And OTOC Id’n know u were 13! coolness!
.:band baby:.
flute faerie
emma jo_234
One Time, One Chance
Sailor Emo
Cat the Dancing Mouse