
My Macho PingPong Men

I was blown away by their “mad skills” – I’ve tried Guitar Hero before, but I can barely do beginner! I was going to ask if I could try, but I didn’t want to miss the big ping pong game! Real pair of macho men, aren’t they?

Willy was on the table when they went over. They tried sliding him off, but he wouldn’t budge. I walked over, picked him up and he came right to me.

The game started up. I expected them to be bad at the game, as all normal humans are, but no – they really went at it. Back and forth, back and forth.. forth and back.. it made me dizzy. Willy curled up in my arms and was ready to fall asleep until he caught sight of the ball. His head was bouncing as much as his eyes, which were darting widely here and there.

Matt was getting pretty tired, his arm started to droop. With one final blow, he returned it to Hayden, but Hayden sent it back with a slam. It looked like it was going to be the end – until, “Meeeeeeww!” Willy jumped on the table and caught the ball.

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