I little interuption
I looked at Willy, then at Matt. He was smirking at Willy. He was rolling on the table with the ball in between his tiny paws.
Mel was laughing so hard.
“He is so cute!” She said.
I grabbed the little white ball from him.
“Hey, you aren’t even supposed to be down here,” I said to him.
“I’ll have to take you to my room.”
I picked Willy up, and he clung to my wrist and nibbled on my hand.
“Lets go to my room.” I said to them.
They followed and I opened up my room door. Matt and Mel walked in. I set Willy on my bed. Mel sat down and played with Willy while Matt started to watch Mel with a small smile on his face.
Does he like Mel?
“Matt.” I addressed.
He looked up at mne.
“C’mere a second.” I said, beckoning him out the door.
“What is it?”
“Do like Mel?”
I caught him off guard and i knew the eye thing won’t work.
“No.” Matt said, refusing to make eye contact.
“Look at me.” I said, making eye contact “Do you like Mel?