
April's Dream

April has fallen asleep in the corner of the basement, clutching her teddybear. She must have cried herself to sleep.

She sleeps peacefully, in her sluber she finds refuge, from her reality, that closely resembles hell. At least when she is sleeping, she can’t hear her parents fight. She doesn’t feel bruised and beaten, by her father.

April starts to dream. In her dream she is in a meadow. There are fragrant flowers all around her. The sun is beaming down on her keeping her warm. A comfortable safe feeling washes over her. She watches as a bunny hops away from her. Its a good distance away from her, but still in view. She sits in the meadow hidden by tall grass. She can hear crickets and grasshoppers move in the blades of grass.
Although April is alone, She feels failry certain that she is safe. In her dream there is nobody out to hurt her. She does not have to worry about her father finding her. She is at peace now.. Nothing can harm her now. She feels she should stay here. . She is warm and safe

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