
Quirks? Me? Ha! Yeah Write! {Pen's Challenge}

I must admit I’m perfect, perfect, perfect! I have no quirks, you silly, silly, silly people! Okay, okay, okay, So maybe I myself am a bit quirky!

When I type I have a strange urge to end EVERY sentence with an exclamation mark!

My hair may be unkempt! My shoes may go untied for days! But my nails will never look shabby! Never! I paint them millions of fabulous colors, but there’s only one rule: my pinky must always be painted a certain shade of pink!

I love the scents of new pencils, play-doh, and coffee (though I hate the taste), & the usual stuff (vanilla, citrus, etc.)!

the volume must always be 3, 7, 12, 13, 17, 21, 27, 44, or any perfect square (ex: 25, 36, etc.)! 3 because the 3rd time’s the charm! 7 because it’s my lucky # (for a special reason)! 12 because I was 12 when I made this system! 13 because it’s the best number ever! 17 & 27 because they’ve got 7 in them! 21 because it 7×3 which are both awesome numbers! and 44 because it was my # in every sport I EVER played!

Yeah Write!

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