
Diner Diaries: Phone Call

Hello, you’ve reached Madge’s phone. I’m currently moving to the desert with Joe so don’t expect me to get back to you for awhile. Um, just leave a message. Not like I care or anything… [BEEP!]

You’re moving to the desert? Since when? Magde? Madge this is Zooey! Remember, your sister? Wait, who’s Joe? Is it that guy who always wears old band tshirts that you brought to my New Year’s Eve party awhile back and he ate all the spinach dip? Well, if he is, way to go. I mean, ahh! You won’t believe where I am, you would die. I swear. Not like I wan’t you to die or anything. It’s just that I’m kind of homeless right now, Fritz is a jerk. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, I told you so, right? Well, yeah. Well, I met this guy and…shit, well just call me on my cell okay? Love y…[BEEP!]

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