
Wytherwing's strange quirks (quirk challenge)

-I can’t function without my special white earser, I just can’t. If I lose it, I will be uptight and nervous all day.
-When I go to check my email the music has to be on, but when I actually read an email I have to turn it off.
-Whenever I do math homework, I have to listen to Harry Potter on cd.
-In my kichen, we have an island in the middle of the room. If I enter on one side of the island, I have to leave going back the same way I came, which always has to be clockwise. If I don’t, I feel like I always have to go back and unwind.
-2 things I always have to have in my pocket: cell phone, and chapstick.
-I always where the same ring on the same finger of my left hand. And I always where the same two necklaces.
-Sometimes I feel like someone’s watching me, so I’ll start talking to myself so that they know what I’m thinking.
-Before I go to sleep I have to move my mirror (i have the kind that slides) so that when I wake up I won’t be able to see myself.
-Reading that over, I think I’m a little OCD

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