
Aprils Struggle

The trial date comes closer. Weeks before April has been up and down about this whole trial thing. She has been worried about seeing her dad again, face to face. And other times she got angry because she had to go through this.

Toni has been the voice of reason through this tumultuous time. She had carefully and effectively consoled her daughter. She explained that what she was going through was normal. She comforted April by insisting that it was ok to be angry at her dad. And it was ok to be scared or sad too. She assured her that she would be there during the whole thing too. She reminded her that she was not alone in all of this.

” I just want daddy to be good, you know, like other kids daddies that do stuff with them. Why doesn’t daddy love me? Did I do something wrong?” April collapsed in her mothers arms, in total emotional confusion.

“Your daddy loves you, sweetie. He just has some problems, with his anger.” She confessed to her daughter.

“Daddy needs help, he’s sick” She admitted.

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