
What to Do When You Are In Trouble...

So why was I telling you all this? No idea. I think it had something to do with my situation. I was pointing my gun at the door, my arm shaking as someone pounded viciously on my front door. I was on the ground in a giant t-shirt, half of my body clutching a pillow. My arm was shaking so badly that I doubted I could hit the broad side of a barn if I were inside it. Even silver bullets don’t improve your aim.
It was past midnight and I was scared. Vampires are rarely this persistent, and that’s what I assumed was on the other side of my door. I supposed I could always go answer the door…but I felt much safer six feet away from it and what was on the other side.
It wasn’t that I hated supernaturals. Just the vampires, because I, myself, am a supernatural. A clairovoyant if you want to get technical. But the rest of the supernatural world constantly hounded me for my talent (Not that talent.) I was basically a hermit nowadays.

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