
Therapy Session: Guilt

“You shouldn’t feel guilty.”
“I’m getting used to mothers absence, makes me feel how easily my being gone would be for others.”
“Part of that is natural, humans are adaptive creatures you’re noticing the shock has worn off.”
“Doesn’t seem right to go on.”
“You have to.”
“Now the day to day without her it shouldn’t be so quick to move on, I feel guilty.”
“You shouldn’t feel guilty.”
“It saddens me that I make no impact that I’d be forgotten weeks after im gone.”
“The people who matter the most wouldn’t.”
“That’s not true. I rememeber her eveyday, but I eat, talk, read, write laugh, it’s like she never existed”
“I’m sure she would want it that way.”
“I should be crying every day.”
“The thing you don’t understand is the crying all day is a stage in the grief process. You move through it with time.”
“Why aren’t I crying like I did before the holidays?”
“Because it takes a natural course and you don’t stay in the first stages forever, you’re just learning how to deal.”

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