An hour later he was sitting in front of the assistant principal with his mother next to him.
“Your son knocked this boy in the nose pretty darn good, might’ve broken it”, Mr. Dixon said, motioning to Jud sitting in the corner with a wad of paper towels cover his face.
“We’re gonna have to do somethin’ about this, miss, i mean really, if he keeps goin’ like this we’re gonna have to expell him.”
James’ mother told James to leave the office for a minute. When he shut the door, he heard his mother go into a tirade; hollering every curse she knew at the top of her lungs.
”...Do you have any fucking idea what he’s been through?!... I might as well just take him out of this hell hole myself!”
She went on for another 10 minutes or so, storming out of the office when finished. James saw Mr. Dixon’s face: white as a ghost’s. He’d never seen anyone so pale in his life. His mother took him forcefully by the hand and left.