
Boys Best Friend: { bandbaby's A Dalmatian story challenge}

The beautiful Dalmatian I found by the side of the road had found a home with us.

My four young sons, my husband and I fell in love with Dobie, as our youngest, Scottie, named him. It was a joy to behold watching my shy son and this abandoned dog become instant pals.

Scottie and Dobie were inseparable. The other boys quickly lost interest, especially when it came time to feed, walk and clean up after our newest member of the family.

But Scottie loved that dog so much. When Dobie made a mess, Scottie cleaned it up. Dobie slept at the bottom of Scotties bed amongst Scottie stuffed animals, a protector and loyal friend.

One time Dobie chewed up the kitchen chairs, Scottie clean up after him before his father and I woke up.

Scottie would talk to Dobie as if Dobie were Human. They got along better than he and his brothers.

Dobie bit my son Michael and we had to send Dobie to the pound. It was the saddest day of Scotties young life. I’m not sure he ever forgave us. Blamed his brother for teasing Dobie.

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