Elliot scratched impatiently at the tip of his nose. Some might go as far as to call it a habit, for he was always doing it.
He glanced up as the waitress walked by in her cheeky yellow uniform, a grimace plastered on her tired, sunken face. He lifted his hand slightly to signal her, but she ignored him and went to refill someone elses coffee.
He groaned, and continued to scratch fervently until his nose became an embarrasing red beacon of his fury.
“Takes awhile to get their attention,” a woman’s voice said, coming from the booth behind him.
“Especially when your invisible,” Elliot grunted, not expecting the voice to hear.
“The only invisible person ever alive was William S. Burroughs. He had this crazy theory on it, but really, I think you’re okay,” the voice responded.
Elliot turned around. A girl with long, dark straight hair, and sunglasses glared back.
“Hi, I’m Mae,” she said stretching out her hand to meet with his.