
Skunked: True Story: Celestic23's Scent Challenge

Ah the smell I shall never forget that still lingers in my mind, but thank God not my clothes.

It was a wet and stormy morning, the Pug dog, outback doing her business as usual, she came upon a skunk, that was skulking behind the garbage cans.

Being a curious pug, she ventured over for a closer look. Big mistake.
The owner of the pug, seeing the skunk as it sprayed her beloved pet, let out the loudest shriek ever heard by human (or canine) ear. Wielding an umbrella she tried to shoo the attacker away, to no avail. I awoke and attempted rescue, but the damage was done, the odor already filling the morning air.

If you’ve never been skunked, count yourself among the lucky ones, think of the foulest, most putrid stench you have ever up till now known, and magnify the disgusting odor tenfold, and still you can’t imagine a smell so vile, that stays inside your mouth, your nostrils, inside your very being.

Poor Pug , it took many baths later before anyone was brave enough to go near her.

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