
5 Awkward Things To Say In The Middle Of History Class

5- I wonder if they had child molesters in the middle ages…
4- scream “I AM THE REINCARNATION OF BUDDHA !” and run out of the room laughing meniachally.
3- Stand on your chair and say “THE LORD PROCLAIMETH I AMETH HIS SONNETH ” and then sit down before the teacher turns around, and glare at the kid sitting next to you.
2- [to the teaher] “Why are you teaching us this? Did you live in the middle ages? Oh, sorry forgot you’re birthday there for a second!”
1- “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I CAN ’T TAKE THIS TORTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and then run out of the classroom before you get hurt.

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