
My 1st Fatherhood: August-September, My 2nd Fall I

I stand proudly on the rock watching our three children: Naira (for my sister), Soner Junior (the runt), and Amady (in honor of my brother Amadi, but Unique would not give him the exact same name for she is somewhat superstitious)
Our second litter of two are somehow safely with Kerem and Naira. It is a miracle Kerem and I managed to get them to their burrow unscathed. They are both immensely thankful. They were upset of not having any children to raise. Now they have two girls: Unique and Sona (named for us).
Amady is constantly curious. He pokes his nose into everything. Unique is constantly worried over him getting himself into trouble. As it was, it was Soner Junior who met his demise. He was not as fast or strong as I was when I was his age. In fact, he was weak. He caught some kind of sickness and we could not have him in the burrow, for it might spread to us. He had to leave and find his own burrow to heal. We hoped he would soon return, but we never saw him again.

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