Take a Chance?
I sat in my room. The summer sun showed threw the window and I looked at a stack of school papers. I started to sort through them and all the memores cameback. This will be the last time I will ever have to throw out high school papers. Each hour I went threw I thought of all the people in that class and the ones I will never see again. I started to get a tear. No holding back, wasn’t worth it. I gave up and sat on my bed with the year book, going threw every signature. I flipped to one in preticular. It was perfect! He wrote,
We were friends for a long time and I want you to know, I cared about you a lot and that I will never forget you. I hate to say I love you in a goodbye like this but I do. I hope that we will find each other again as we go our seperate ways. Have a great summer,
with love friendship,
A tear hit the paper. Could I be with him? Long distance relationships could work couldn’t they? Should I take the that chance? I held my cell phone in my hand and fliped to his number.