
James and the Giant Apocalypse

James’s large frightened eyes traveled slowly around the room. The creatures, some sitting on chairs, others reclining on a sofa, were all watching him intently.

“It’s amazing,” he thought, “that I am still sane. I mean, I’ve been taken from my home, poked, prodded, examined, and now I’m sitting on a large overstuffed armchair looking at these….these things. I could really, incidentally, stand some food.” Thoughts flooded James’ mind as he stared fearfully at his….well, he’d decided to call them hosts for now.

One of them spoke, a babble of gibberish to James’ ears. It was incredibly loud, and instantly overwhelming to his sensitive hearing. He screamed, a ululation of pain. In that instant, the dam broke. The barriers on his sanity shattered and James, all thoughts of hospitality and diplomacy forgotten, became the giant slavering monster the humans had feared. The humans’ strange white abode decimated, James oozed over the disentegrating ground towards the city. The humans would pay.

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