
An Awesome Dream [LoA Challenge]

A sunny day, and the neighborhood hums. I’m standing in my yard, under the shade of the massive elm, just drinking in the perfection of the moment.

Fresh cut grass taints the air with the pleasant reminder that yes, this is summer, thanks to Mr. Gebnik mowing away, shirt off as usual. Mom always scoffs, says nobody wants to see his big hairy belly.

Ben, best friend extraordinaire is on the sidewalk, whistling the theme from Star Wars. He’s probably making caterpillars fight again. Melinda is walking her dog, fourth time today, right past my house. She’s such a prissy dork, and so is her sheep dog. Lisa and Kim should be here any minute, coming from the other side of our U-shaped street, our world as far as we’re concerned.

The summer of 87 is going to be our best, our little band of dreamers. Shane, the terror of the block, moves away in a month. Carl and Jim will finally get to play outside. We’ll all have some fun.

And me, I’m just a kid with a baseball and a dream. An awesome dream.

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