I could not have given you six stars, even it was possible, because you somehow managed to leave Goliath out of this ficlet. Therefore five stars is the appropriate rating. :-) Good to see you around again: is it me, or have some of the old gang (myself included) been awfully scarce in these parts of late?
It depresses me somehow that there is an entire generation of people out there that have no idea about Knight Rider, The A-Team or (gods help me) Airwolf.
I know vaguely of The A-Team because I’ve frequently been on the receiving end of jokes regarding my presence on the “Academic Team” (abbreviated A-Team)
…I wasn’t even alive in 1986 though. :/ After observing the youtube video, I’ve seen that car in a lot of shows I’ve seen, now I know where it came from! Yay!
It’s worse than you think, CMTKOM: a generation that doesn’t know about Knight Rider, The A-Team and Airwolf is also a generation that doesn’t understand a single entire episode of Robot Chicken that’s ever aired. I wasn’t all that depressed until Fyora admitted she wasn’t alive when I was in the 8th grade. Don’t feel bad, Fyora, it’s not you, it’s me… old, decrepit, ancient me…. Right, I’m off to take my calcium supplement and cry myself to sleep now.
Yeah, you’re right about the Robot Chicken thing… I watch that show occasionally. If it makes you feel any better, chances are my eyesight is worse than yours. Proof of eyesight problems: I can’t read the giant E at the top of the charts. Without glasses, the whole paper is just a light gray.
KARR , the principal on BoyMeetsWorld. classic references and a drunken Hoff.. too funny, great crossover genre. you should sequel this, and see all the things Kitt and Knight can do comically. LoA
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Howie Amourscow
Fyora Cartagan
Howie Amourscow
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Fyora Cartagan
Fyora Cartagan
Howie Amourscow
Fyora Cartagan
Ben Paddon