

I walked home after our little excursion, and stopped to look at all of the lights of inner-Rade.
December 25th 2056
I heard something happened special today, 49 years ago.
That was a time of fools, of religion, of….happiness.
Now, the world is controlled by liquid robots, Plasmen. They got their names because they all started with a drop of the liquid part of human blood, plasma. They did something involving electric currents and a super computer.
I was unlucky enough to run in to one tonight.
Maxwell Reed Anders” It sounded out in that horrible, inhuman voice. “You are charged with wandering after curfew!
Not again.
I froze everything again, then i punched the metallic-liquid form as hard as I could.
I unfroze, I watched everything that happened.
The side of it’s “face” started to ripple, sending little ridges across it’s entire form.
That should be enough to forget this little incident.
I knew what would happen next, so i used my ability to go back to my dwelling.

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