
Elita and the Friendship Program

Sitting in her music theory class that had all of 30 students, Elita began thinking about the song she was writing, and wondered where she was going to take it from here. She snapped back to reality when sara elbowed her, hissing, “You’re humming again!”
Elita blushed, “Oops.”
She started listening to the teacher again, “And now onto some interesting news. Our class has been selected to do the friendship and communication program between NYU ad UMich. Therefore each of you will be recieving a correspondant, chosen randomely, from a class at UMich. You are required to have some form of contact via E-mail, phone, Im, facebook, etc every week. However, no cellphone texting counts for this. Get to know the person, hopefully become friends and at the end of the year, we will be having a get-together with them.”
Sarah raised her hand and without waiting to be called on, said, “You mean a party?”
The teacher sighed and nodded, then gave them their correspondant. On the top of Elita’s sheet was written:

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