Ghost Man
So, en Tuesday nigh, I come to the libreery an I see what they be talkin bout. I hide between them shelves and den do I see ‘im. Yessir in a 3 piece suit. I take out me rifle and prepare to shoot as me and Velda’s plan went. I pull the trigger an the bullet whizzes right through that man into the wall . The man turned to me.
“Who shot det gun?” He cries. An does he ever have the shrillest voice ever. I can almost feel them windows break. His black eyes search across the dark ol libreery. His eyes glide ova my body as I shiver in fear. He left without askin for ‘is fedora. I run home that nigh’ in fear of him returnin’. I turn on the news that nigh and dat man is screaming: GHOST MAN ON THE LOOSE !!! The picture shows the man in the libreery. What a mess I got me in.