
Secret Well Kept

“Why is this happening? Is this some sort of a horibble dream?!” Luna whined again and looked miserably at her tail.
“It’s not a dream. Tonight is the night of your 16th birthday, the day which the wolf magic begins to work with your body,” Iris said, snapping her teeth together over a mat in her fur.
“WHAT?” Luna howled, “You waited 16 WHOLE years to tell me?! You could at least prepare me for my whole orientation turning to four legs!”
“You have to deal with it yourself,” her father rumbled.
Luna looked at both of them. She sat down. Panicking was going to get her no where. “Hold up. Rewind. Number one: what the hell is wolf magic? Number two: Why are you wolves as well?” Luna stared at them.
“It runs in the family. The whole family. Your uncles, aunts, cousins; We’re all under the hold of the wolf magic,” Iris opened her piercing yellow eyes and Luna felt a sharp stab of regret. Her mother wasn’t as happy-go-lucky as she seemed.
“Why? Besides-”
“We’ll tell you,” Iris’ ears turned sharply.

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