This was beautifully expressed. It will get better. Just in writing this down you’re helping yourself get through it. I think the best thing that can get us through a time like this is thinking of our loved one and knowing that he/she would want us to be happy and remember them in a happy way.
Kermit, it’s not so much getting over and forgetting as the ablility to live with the absence and find a way to use it to make yourself stronger. It’s hard. That’s life for you. Things have to be hard. Best wishes to you and your family. I’m not so worried for you, because you have found one of the best outlets on the planet: writing. Some people would turn to something more destructive, but you’re wise. You’ve turned it into something beautiful, in simply writing this. I loved it. LoA
My heart goes out to you, as you know. It is not an easy task to grieve. Writing about it does help though. And you do it so well. There is a real beauty to your writing. Your so lucky to be able to express yourself with such conviction. Its an amazing talent you have.
I understand what you mean. My grandmother was the closest person to me, and she passed April 2003. It is a life changing event. Not every situation is the same, nor is every person, but the best advice I could give you is to find a way to come to terms and accept that it happened. Appreciate the fact that you did have time to spend with them.
I sorry for your lose. Time does heal all wounds and this is just one of those hills of life that you have to clim over. When you make it too the top everything will seem more clear for you. A very moving story!
.:band baby:.
♠Ana Cristina♥
Storykeeper of Fae
J.B. Williams