A hopeless battle
“Get up!” Colonel Johnston shouted at me through my helmet radio. I backed away slowly as i saw the enormous Arvian cruiser crash to the ground. It took hold of the Martian soil and mutated into something that looked like an ant mound. They started crawling out by the dozens, and in the distance i noticed several more cruisers planting themselves into Mars’ rocky ground. I heard gunfire behind me and a loud BANG . The ground shook and the organic cruiser exploded, sending green ooze flying in all directions. More planted cruisers spawned more and more Arvians.
“Shit! Duke, watch out!”
I turned to see a humanoid figure lunging toward me. It had sharp claws on it’s mis-shapen limbs, and it’s mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth. It didn’t have legs, but slanked around on two snake-like tails. I fired at it until it dropped dead in front of me.
I looked up to see what looked like a mother cruiser decending to plant itself into Mars.
“Fall back!”