
Shannon's Fate

Helen embraces Frodo. She looks down at her feline companion, and smiles. Frodo looks up again and meows a reply. She begins to stroke his head with her fingernails. This put him in a purring frenzy.

Her mind is unable to think of anything else but Shannon. “Shannon I miss you so much right now”. She said to herself outloud. She feels a tear emerging from her eye.

Looking out the window again, she can’t help but remember the horrible night, and the car accident that took her sisters life. Watching the rain was almost too painful to bear. That night, with the heavy rain and the car crash, it was just too much for her to endure. Her life was forever changed that night. She lost her twin sister, her best friend. And now on days like this, she always feels so alone and isolated.

She arose from her seat, and heads to the kitchen. She needed to be away from that seat. She tried to distract herself by making a cup of tea. Hopefully the warmth of the tea will drown out her emotional sorrows.

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