
Helen's Day

Helen sits by her window, seated at her window seat. She peers out the window. She watches the rain drops against the window, as they roll down the window.

She had just finished her novel, that had taken her two weeks to finish. She feels relaxed now, in her tranquility.

As she watches the rain against the window, she imagines that she is in England. There, days like this are notorious.
She tries to imagine being anywhere but where she is. She tries to pretend she is in a cottage in the French countryside.

Helen is alone in her home, just her and her cat Frodo.

Days like this makes her miss her sister. She wishes more than anything that she could be with her right now. The two of them would be sitting by the window talking, or laughing. Her sister was her best friend. And now she is gone.
Helen tries really hard not to think about all that. Especially that horrible night that separated them forever.

Frodo walks up to Helen and crawls up in her lap. He greets her with a low meow.

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